News And Events



Time: 11.00 pm. Date: 18/12/2018

Place: Campus/ Seminar Hall

Title: The Effects of Social Media on Language.

OBJECTIVES: The workshop has been held to state that:

1- Social media sites have greatly affected our language. Facebook, for example, as one of the leading media in the world, has made itself a near necessity for connecting with loved ones, friends, colleagues and acquaintances around the globe.

2- Due to social media and online bolgs, the visitor sends messages and also gives comments on different things which in turn improve their English language ability.

3- How Social Media affects and firms affinity between different cultures. 4- Some bad aspect of using social language, and to what extent it affects the English Language in terms of terminology and Syntactic, morphological structure. Panels:

First Panel: Entitled "The Effects of Social Media on Language" Presented by: Assist. Prof. Dr. Younis Ibrahim Benywais .

Second Panel: Entitled " Transition of English Language through Media & Social Network Presented by: Instructor. Taban Mohammed Fouzi .

Third panel: Entitled " The Role of Social Media in the Development of English Language Vocabulary. Presented by: Instructor. Walaa Jabbar Kari'a .

Forth Panel: Entitled " The Language of Social Media and its Effect on English" Presented by: Instructor. Ban Shahab Ahmed


تم القاء سيمينار بعنوان (اختيار العينات من مجتمع بحثي) للاستاذه (سيران حمزة رحيم) في تاريخ (5-2-2018)

مصادف يوم الاربعاء في قاعة السيمينار وبحضور عدد من الاساتذة.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن السيمينار

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"for more details click her

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