
Monday - 7.Jan.2019 , English Department with IT section - Polytechnic Collage organized Workshop entitled ( ( The Importance of Using Academic ProFile For the University Instructors ) .

Seminar presented by (( Inst. Baida'a Abdulkareem Rasheed )) Entitled (( Curriculum Vitae (CV) )) -Sunday 23-12-2018

WORKSHOP Presented by English Department Staff

Title: The Effects of Social Media on Language. for more information click here .

Seminar presented by (( Ass. Inst. Mohamad Burhan )) Entitled (( Differences Between IBT & IELTS )) -Monday 10-12-2018

Seminar of (( Inst. Ban Shihab Ahmad )) Entitled (( Legal Translation )) -Monday 10-12-2018

Seminar of (( Inst. Suhair Fuaad )) Entitled (( Literature for Learning Language )) -Monday 3-12-2018

Seminar of (( Inst. Walaa Jabbar )) Entitled ((( The Role of University in Developing the Awareness of Community peace )) -Monday 3-12-2018

الاستاذ المساعد د. يونس ابراهيم رئيسا في لجنة .. للتفاصيل اكثر اضغط على الرابط

Ass.Prof.Dr. Younis Ibrahim s participation as a member and Supervisor in the examining committee of an MA thesis in the High Arab Institution for Psychological and Educational Studies on Saturday , 17-11-2018